[Get.Dvo6] Virtual Knowledge Experimenting in the Humanities and the Social Sciences (MIT Press)
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Today we are witnessing dramatic changes in the way scientific and scholarly knowledge is created, codified, and communicated. This transformation is connected to the use of digital technologies and the virtualization of knowledge. In this book, scholars from a range of disciplines consider just what, if anything, is new when knowledge is produced in new ways. Does knowledge itself change when the tools of knowledge acquisition, representation, and distribution become digital Issues of knowledge creation and dissemination go beyond the development and use of new computational tools. The book, which draws on work from the Virtual Knowledge Studio, brings together research on scientific practice, infrastructure, and technology. Focusing on issues of digital scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, the contributors discuss who can be considered legitimate knowledge creators, the value of "invisible" labor, the role of data visualization in policy making, the visualization of uncertainty, the conceptualization of openness in scholarly communication, data floods in the social sciences, and how expectations about future research shape research practices. The contributors combine an appreciation of the transformative power of the virtual with a commitment to the empirical study of practice and use.ContributorsAnne Beaulieu, Sarah de Rijcke, Bas van Heur, Smiljana Antonijević, Stefan Dormans, Sally Wyatt, Matthijs Kouw, Charles van den Heuvel, Andrea Scharnhorst, Rebecca Moody, Victor Bekkers, Clement Levallois, Stephanie Steinmetz, Paul Wouters, Clifford Tatum, Nicholas W. Jankowski, Jan Kok Laptop U - The New Yorker I was curious whether graduate students at Harvard the lite professors of the future shared any of these concerns. Most I spoke with seemed fairly sanguine about ... (Free) Online High School Courses Hoagies' Gifted (Free) Online High School Courses & Curriculum Materials. Study AP Physics or Introductory French Debate Journalism or AP Calculus... and lots more all free! The role of teachers in implementing curriculum changes Authors: David Thompson: University of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand: Tim Bell: University of Canterbury Christchurch New Zealand Journal of Curriculum Studies - Canadian Universities The first thirty-eight years: a catalogue of the Journal of Curriculum Studies 1968-2006. Compiled and edited by Stephanie Faubert and Geoffrey Milburn Publishers of OA books - Open Access Directory This is a list of publishers of OA books. As of September 8 2016 there are 162 publishers on this list. When possible please annotate each publisher: Overcoming Serious Indecisiveness - home.ubalt.edu When One Should Not Make Serious Decisions? Do not make any serious decisions because you are angry hurt depressed desperate or frightened. Moya K. Mason - Resume MLIS Freelance Researcher Book ... Moya K. Mason is a professional freelance researcher book researcher research consultant fact checker writer editor information scientist and project manager Faculty Srishti Institute of Art Design and Technology Ambika Ramakrishnan Ambika Ramakrishnan is an educator who believes that the body mind and spirit have to be in sync for learning to happen. She has been in the ... Eurasc - News - European Academy of Sciences Next Meetings of EURASC. The next Symposium of the European Academy of Sciences should take place in Lisbon (Portugal) on October 27 th and 28 th 2017. Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin This lecture will present a synthesis of the recent proposals of the philosopher and artist Elisabeth von Samsonow and the philosopher Boyan Manchev on the body ...
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